Volunteering at Village Home

Why Volunteer at Village Home?

1. It’s good for you. Volunteers feel less stress and are happier people. It feels good to give to a worthy cause, and to help others.
2. It keeps costs for everyone (including you) at Village Home lower.
3. You will meet people in the community and make new friends.
4. You will learn something new.
5. Your model of community service and civic responsibility will be noticed by the next generation. Make a difference for today and the future through your service.

Community Duty (CD)

To keep tuition affordable, and to be a part of the community,  Village Home families participate in Community Duty (CD). Each family signs up for one Community Duty shift per term per family. An ADULT has to complete the Community Duty for a family (CD can be done by an adult friend or relative on behalf of another family). Families who do not want to do CD may buy-out (see Buy-Out below).

Types of Community Duty Duties

Daily Keeper Duties: These duties happen every day of the term for up to 5  hours a day. Sign up for ONE of these shifts per term.  Our daily keepers will perform a variety of duties, and when you arrive on campus at your scheduled time, you check-in at the office for your assignments. Daily Keepers must be able to to light-cleaning and lift 20 pounds. Assignments may include things like cleaning, vacuuming, organizing, cleaning, running an errand, helping in a class, and more.

Event Volunteers: These Community Duty tasks typically happen in 3-6  hour chunks of time, usually on evenings and weekends. Community events like Summerfest and campus clean-up days are examples of these duties.

Regular Community Duty Jobs Main Campus (Daily Keepers and Events)

Regular Community Duty Jobs NE PDX Campus  (Daily Keepers and Events)

For Salem Campus families, browse the list of available community duties and sign up for a slot here.

Community Duty Plus: These duties come in a wide variety of shapes and sizes. Some of these duties take substantially more time than 5  hours a term, or require specialized skills, or require a higher level of responsibility. Community Duty Plus tasks also carry extra benefits such as Priority Registration and/or a small discount on tuition (5-20%).  The job description includes the particular benefits associated with the job. If you have an interest in volunteering beyond the required minimum, or, if you have a professional skill or service to provide, please contact the office directly about Community Duty Plus opportunities.   You may not sign up for these duties online – you have to apply for these duties.
Community Duty Plus Jobs Include things like:
Club/Activity Leader
Classroom Assistant
Yearbook Coordinator
Field Trip Coordinator
Fundraising Leader
Parent Action Committee Chair
BLOOM Show Director
Tech Coordinator for Drama

See Community Duty PLUS Jobs here (for Beaverton and NE PDX)

If you do not see a community duty that works for you, but want to contribute to the community, please call the office at 503-597-9100 and we will do our best to help you find a community duty, however, we cannot guarantee that a community duty job will be available that meets everyone’s needs. We recommend signing up early for the best selection of options.

When you see one you want, simply “Register” for it, by clicking the “Register” button during registration periods. If that particular community duty is already assigned, you may be able to be added to a waitlist, but you should also go ahead and make another selection in the meantime. For community duty plus opportunities, contact the office.( Weekly duties typically are kept from term to term.)

Buying Out

Don’t want to do community duty? Members who would like to opt-out of performing Community Duty responsibilities can buy-out at $20/class unit per term, with a maximum buyout cost of  $200 per term. Example: a Member family who has 3 classes and prefers not to do Community Duty can pay $20/class unit x 3 class units (a total of $60) to buy-out of their Community Duty for that term. Families who do not complete their community duty obligation will be charged the buy-out rate.

Know that you want to buy-out?  Let us know here.

Parent Action Committee

Want to get involved, and go above and beyond the minimum requirement? We have a group of dedicated parents on our campuses who are the leaders who are focused on all of the fun stuff like:

    1. Building community
    2. Creating family-friendly events
    3.  Fundraising

See details about the Parent Action Committee here.

Current Events

Mt. Hood Meadows Midweek Homeschool Ski/Snowboard Programs

Registration is LIVE! Sign up by December 16, 2017 for Early Bird Pricing

FREE Hearing Screening for Homeschoolers

Homeschooling parent Evonne Serpa and Audiology Hearing Resources Audiology Center is hosting FREE Hearing Screenings for homeschoolers FRIDAY, DECEMBER 8, 2017

Winter Workshops Dec 5 & 7

Join VH learners and friends for exciting and interesting workshops.

Ready to join our innovative learning community where kids are free to choose their classes, and OWN their learning?