
Little Villagers at Village Home
Preschool Enrichment for Homeschooled Children

Little Villagers provides a gentle, home-like environment, where children have the freedom and opportunity to simply be children. Self directed creative play occupies a large portion of their day, as play is truly the work of the child.

We believe that the best environment for learning and development is one in which children gain self-esteem, enjoy discovering basic learning materials, develop cooperative play skills, and build trusting relationships with each other and with adults. We encourage children to be individuals while learning to respect the rights of others, and progress at their own pace.

We believe parent’s involvement is essential, since the parent is the primary educator. Little Villagers will enrich the parent-child relationship through parent participation and leadership in the classroom. Parents achieve a better understanding of their child’s development with regular involvement in the children’s activities and play materials. What guides the attitudes, words, and gestures of our parents and facilitators is the knowledge that young children learn through imitation.

At Little Villagers we have a flexible, unhurried daily rhythm included in all of our activities:
outdoor play, story time, block building, painting, clay and bees wax modeling, circle time and bread baking to name a few.

Parents are an integral part of Little Villagers through their presence. Parents are asked to model active participation in every aspect of our daily routine. The instructor strongly encourages parent to share their ideas, suggestions and input.

Little Villagers is for our youngest community members (ages 2 – 4 years old). Parents are asked to bring a nut-free snack from home for their own child and themselves daily.

Starting in the Fall of 2015, we will offer one-day and two-day program options for 2-4 year olds.

Current Events

Mt. Hood Meadows Midweek Homeschool Ski/Snowboard Programs

Registration is LIVE! Sign up by December 16, 2017 for Early Bird Pricing

FREE Hearing Screening for Homeschoolers

Homeschooling parent Evonne Serpa and Audiology Hearing Resources Audiology Center is hosting FREE Hearing Screenings for homeschoolers FRIDAY, DECEMBER 8, 2017

Winter Workshops Dec 5 & 7

Join VH learners and friends for exciting and interesting workshops.

Ready to join our innovative learning community where kids are free to choose their classes, and OWN their learning?