Hey, VH teens with time on your hands, and a résumé or college application to build! We need your volunteer time and energy, and you need volunteer experience that is meaningful. It’s a win/win! We highly encourage our teen volunteers to commit to a volunteer opportunity for the whole program year. We provide a letter of recommendation for our teen volunteers from their leaders at the end of their commitment.

We invite you to apply to be a Classroom Assistant, Lab Assistant, or a Middle Grounds Snack Shop Associate (Beaverton Campus Only), and give back to the community! Learners at Village Home who are at least 14 years old are welcome to apply. Can’t commit to a regularly scheduled opportunity? We invite you to join the Learner Council. They are a group of teen leaders who do community service for Village Home, and sponsor activities and projects that build community spirit.

Not a teen yet? That’s okay — we want you to volunteer too! Kids interested in helping out can stop by the office with a parent to see what volunteer duties we have for them.

Classroom Assistants should expect to:

1. Show up 15 minutes before scheduled class to be sure the room is neat, and to help with set up

2. Stay after class to clean up messes, put supplies away, etc (usually takes less than 15 minutes)

3. Help the instructor during class as instructed. You may make copies, help pass out supplies, work directly with a group, or support an individual who is having a hard time staying focused on the work

Middle Grounds Associates should expect to:

1. Engage in customer service at the counter – takes orders, collects payment, makes change

2. Fill orders

3. Keep the area clean and follows all safety rules

4. Other duties as assigned

Lab Techs* should expect to:

1. Attend classes and assist the teacher with lab preparation

2. Assist students during labs

3. Clean-up labs and maintain equipment

* This job takes some prerequisite knowledge of science. An internship in a science class can be a game-changer when applying to college as well as providing a hands-on experience for a future career in science. The “learn one, do one, teach one” model of learning is extremely effective and an internship can provide that final “teach one” aspect of that model. In addition to the letter of recommendation, the intern will be provided with a more detailed written evaluation for college applications. If you are interested in pursuing science as a career and have taken Biology before, apply! 

Ready to jump in? Here’s what we need from you:

1. A complete application (see below)

2. A positive, helpful attitude and a willingness to learn

3. Reliability so your leader can count on you

4. Minimum of a one-term commitment (some positions require a year-long commitment)

Here’s what you get:

1. A good feeling because you are giving back

2. A letter of recommendation for being a volunteer at Village Home

3. Leadership experience serving young people

4. Experience in working to meet others’ expectations and follow directions