Frequently Asked Questions

Common Questions

Is Village Home an Open Campus?

Do parents have to stay on campus?

Can learners be on campus during GAPS in their schedule?

What about food in class? And allergies?

How can I connect with other families?

Do you have a requirement to volunteer?

Can I enroll my child if they are not in the stated age range?

Family Accounts & Registration


How do I set up a Family Account?

How do I Register?

What can I do in my Parent Portal?

I can’t login to my account, what should I do?

What is the Request System for Fall Enrollment?

How do I get priority registration?

Who will use my personal information?

How do I pay for my classes, activities, field trips, etc.?

How do I know if I registered for the class/activity/event?

Why did I get waitlisted? Will I get notified if room becomes available in a waitlisted class?

How do Add/Drops work?

What is the refund policy?

What if a class is cancelled?

Classes, Clubs and Other Offerings

Can I enroll my child who is not in the stated age range?

What is the difference between a class and a club?

Are classes year-round? How do I secure my seat in the upcoming term?

Are Teachers background checked?

Who are your teachers?

Can I earn credit for Village Home classes?

Will I be graded and tested?

How do I choose my classes?

Do you keep attendance records?

How do I contact my child’s instructor?

What is an EXPO Class?

What about homework?

What about pre-requisites?


Can I take my other child to my son’s or daughter’s class?

What about my child’s stuff? Do you have a Lost & Found?

Do you have WiFi on the campuses?

Who should I contact with questions?

What are Village Home office hours during the terms?

What is Village Home’s Inclement Weather policy?