Choices Classes and Clubs

Explore, Choose, Learn! Welcome to our Choices Classes and Clubs, where learners shape their own educational journey. Our weekly classes and clubs offer diverse topics, allowing learners to follow their passions and curiosity. Classes typically meet for one hour each week, spanning three ten-week terms (Fall, Winter, Spring), with fresh material each term. Most of our offerings run for the entire 30-week academic year. New students can join during the winter and spring registration periods.
SPRING 2025 registration starts on Monday, March 3, 2025!

Why Choose Village Home?

Our mixed-age, grade-free classes foster curiosity and encourage a love of learning. Instructors deliver engaging and playful lessons that inspire learners to explore subjects beyond the classroom. By allowing children to choose their classes, we empower them to take charge of their education, resulting in a more fulfilling and positive learning experience.

Key Highlights:

Flexible Learning: Customize your child’s education based on their interests.

Passion-Driven: Classes designed to inspire and motivate learners.

Non-Credit Courses: Focus on the joy of learning without formal grades or tests.

Age-Appropriate: Classes accommodate a range of ages, with considerations for emotional and social readiness.

Classes vs. Clubs:

Classes: Led by paid instructors, focusing on specific topics and skills.

Clubs: Facilitated by an adult, offering a more casual, social learning environment.

Join our Choices program today and watch your child’s love for learning blossom!

Session Schedule: Village Home operates in three 10-week terms from September to June, offering high-quality, engaging classes.

Affordable Pricing: We are proud to provide affordable educational opportunities:

  • Weekly 1-Hour Classes: Base cost of $140 per term. (Some classes like lab science, art, and technology may have additional material fees.)
  • Weekly 1-Hour Clubs: Base cost of $60 per term.
  • Other Opportunities: Costs vary depending on the specific offering.


Annual Registration Fee per Family: Village Home charges an annual administrative fee for each family of $20.  This fee will be added to your account during your initial registration period, and will not be refundable.

Support Our Mission: As a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization, Village Home relies on fundraising and donations from families and friends to keep our classes affordable and accessible. Your support helps us continue providing these valuable educational experiences.

Here, you will find a comprehensive schedule of all our classes and clubs, organized by day, time, and room. This grid view makes it easy to plan your schedule, ensuring you can make the most of the diverse opportunities available at Village Home. Explore the schedule to discover the exciting classes and clubs we offer.

Family Participation: Grownups are always welcome to attend classes with their learners. We love having families on campus, whether participating, observing, or helping in the classroom.

Supervision Guidelines:

  • Under Age 5: A grownup must remain on campus at all times.
  • Ages 8 and Under: We recommend having an adult on campus to assist with class transitions.
  • Under Age 13: Learners must be in classes or transitioning to their next class. If they have any gaps between their classes during the day, they need to be supervised by an adult when not in class.
  • Ages 13 and Over: Learners can be on campus without adult supervision if they adhere to our learner promises.

Age Exception Guidelines
At Village Home, we strive to create a learning environment that is both inclusive and conducive to the needs of all our students. While our classes are designed for specific age ranges, we understand that exceptions may be necessary in certain cases. We normally consider age requests for learners within a year of the stated age range if there is an available space in the class. Below are the guidelines we use  in partnership with the instructors when families request an age exception for their child(ren):

  • Academic Readiness
    For classes requiring academic skills, we will consult with the instructor on a case-by-case basis to determine if an exception is appropriate. We may also reach out to the family for additional information to make an informed decision.
  • Social Readiness
    Learners should be able to interact positively with peers in the designated age range. We assess their ability to integrate and contribute to the class environment.
  • Emotional Maturity
    Learners must be capable of handling the class content and structure emotionally. This ensures that they can participate fully and benefit from the class.
A Note to Families
We encourage families to consider the benefits of their learners being in classes where they are sometimes among the younger participants and sometimes among the older ones. While many of our learners are excited to join classes with older peers, we also see tremendous growth in learners who are the oldest in their classes. These students often have the opportunity to act as peer mentors, which can be a valuable experience. Please keep this in mind when considering age exception requests.If you believe your child qualifies for an age exception, please request through our registration system iClassPro to initiate the assessment process. We look forward to working with you to ensure a positive and enriching experience for your child at Village Home.
2024-25 Age Exception Request Schedule:
  • Fall term requests will be processed from August 1 – September 13, 2024
  • Winter term requests will be processed from November 4, 2024 – January 10, 2025
  • Spring term requests will be processed from March 3 – April 4, 2025

Payment Policy

Village Home now offers eCheck as a payment option.  This option reduces the credit card processing fees and allows us to keep our classes more affordable for our families.  In addition to this new payment plan, we are now requiring all family accounts to have a credit card or bank account on file for easy auto payments according to the payment plan that is selected. Cash payments will need to be made prior to the due date to avoid automatic processing.

Village Home offers three payment plans for our families attending Choices classes as well as three payment plans for our families enrolled in our Rivers Day Program.  The plan that best fits your family’s needs should be selected at the time of registration.  


  1. Payment in full – This option will automatically charge the credit card or bank account on file for the full account balance on the following dates:
    1. Fall Term – August 5, 2024
    2. Winter Term – January 5, 2024
    3. Spring Term – April 5, 2025
  2. Payment in thirds – This option splits each charge into three equal installments. The credit card or bank account on file will be charged for each installment on the following dates:
    1. Fall Term – August 5, 2024, September 5, 2024, October 5, 2024
    2. Winter Term – January 5, 2025, February 5, 2025, March 5, 2025
    3. Spring Term –  April 5, 2025, May 5, 2025, June 5, 2025
  3. Charter Payment – This option allows for our families who receive Charter School funding to extend the due date until Charter funds are available to them.  Charter payments and any remaining balances are due on the following dates:
    1. Fall Term – October 5, 2024
    2. Winter Term – February 5, 2025
    3. Spring Term – May 5, 2025


  1. Payment in full – This option will automatically charge the credit card or bank account on file for the full tuition amount on August 5, 2024.
  2. Payment in thirds – This option splits the full year tuition amount into three equal installments.  The credit card or bank account on file will be charged for each installment on the following dates:
    1. August 5, 2024
    2. December 5, 2024
    3. March 5, 2025
  3. Monthly installment plan – This option splits the full year tuition into nine equal installments.  The credit card or bank account on file will be charged for each installment on the following dates:
    1. August 5, 2024
    2. October 5, 2024
    3. November 5, 2024
    4. December 5, 2024
    5. January 5, 2025
    6. February 5, 2025
    7. March 5, 2025
    8. April 5, 2025
    9. May 5, 2025

Payments for registrations outside of the Choices or Rivers program are due at the time of registration.  

Note:  Accounts with an outstanding balance will not be allowed to register for any additional terms or other offerings. 

For Choices, if you select the 3-payment option after one of the payment deadlines (e.g., registering for a class on August 15 for the fall term), the payment previously due (e.g., August 5) will be charged upon registration.

For Rivers, if you join after the academic year has begun, your total amount will be prorated based on the number of days your learner(s) participates. Your payments will then start on the next scheduled payment date, depending on the payment plan you selected.

Refund Policy

Choices Class

  • Full refund if class is dropped on or before the first Friday of the term
  • No refund for classes dropped after the drop period (1st week of classes)

Rivers Day Program

  • Prorated tuition refund with 30 day cancellation notice
  • No refund for $150 deposit fee


  • Full refund if canceled 30 days or more before the start of the camp
  • 50% refund if canceled two weeks before the start of the camp
  • No refund if canceled less than two weeks before the start of the camp


  • No refund if canceled within 24 hours of the start of the program

Refunds are not offered for field trips, competitions and family or community events. 

All instructors and facilitators undergo background checks to ensure your child’s safety. We maintain a supportive and productive learning environment, with the right to remove any learner who is disruptive or not ready for the class level. Parents may need to assist if their child requires extra support.

Important Notice: Registration System Updates and Instructions

We want to inform you about some current issues with our registration system and provide guidance to ensure a smooth experience:

  1. Dropping a Class After Enrolling:

    • To request a drop after enrolling, please select the beginning of the term date as the drop date. We understand this is not intuitive, and apologize for the inconvenience. Please see screenshot included.
  2. Class Visibility During Registration Periods:

    • When Registration is OFF:
      • Families can log in or out to view all current fall classes.
    • When Registration is ON for Staff and Faculty between Tuesday, July 16 & 17 AND for Returning Families between Thursday, July 17 – Sunday, July 21:
      • Families will not be able to search for classes while logged in until their designated registration period.
      • Example: On Tuesday, staff and faculty will see classes when logged in because they have a keyword allowing them to register. However, a returning family will see no classes when logged in until Thursday, when their registration period begins.
      • Note: If families log out, they will still be able to see all classes and use all filters.

This issue will only persist until July 22, when registration opens to everyone.

Thank you for your understanding and cooperation. If you have any questions or need assistance, please contact us at