At Village Home, we embrace hands-on learning beyond the classroom walls, so you will discover a large array of opportunities here that appeal to our diverse community members. Field Trips may be academic, environmental, recreational, or cultural in nature. We take advantage of school-shows with special pricing frequently.Village Home is often able to pass on significant savings from regular prices, and we always do the planning legwork for you. Workshops are unique, one-time offerings typically held at Village Home. Examples of workshops include our Artisan Workshop series featuring area artists, holiday workshops, visits from the Oregon Zoo, and more.The typical workshop is one to three hours in length. Prices and times vary, see event listing for details. Registering for Field Trips, Workshops, and other special opportunities is fast and easy!



Field Trip and Workshop Policy

  1. Payment is required at the time of registration. You are responsible for paying for all events you register for, even if you do not attend the event.
  2. Field trip participants under the age of 18 must be accompanied on off-campus field trips by a parent, guardian, or parent designee. (Workshops at Village Home do not require parent attendance, unless noted.)
  3. Field trips begin and end at the field trip location. Village Home provides no transportation to and from field trips. Village Home does not allow “caravanning” to a field trip location. We encourage participants to carpool whenever possible, but carpooling arrangements must be made amongst participants.
  4. Refund Policy: Your registration is your commitment to participate in the field trip or workshop and to pay for the event. You will be responsible for paying for all events you register for, even if you do not attend the event. In some cases, we are able to accommodate a cancellation request. For example, if you registered for an event, then changed your mind about attending, you may contact the Field Trip Coordinator ( to make a cancellation request. If we are able to honor the request, we will. If not, you are still responsible for payment. All cancellation requests are subject to approval by the Field Trip Coordinator. Refunds will be made to all parties if Village Home cancels the event.
  5. Field Trip participants represent Village Home in the community, and are expected to follow our guidelines to respect self, others, and property at all times.
  6. Late arrivals will not be accommodated.

Suggest a Field Trip

Have an idea for a field trip? We want to hear from you! Please email to let us know about great field trip opportunities. We are happy to put together a great slate of offerings with help from the community. Thank you for the input!

Be a Field Trip Leader

Be a trip leader! Help Village Home be a strong, close-knit community by volunteering as a trip leader. Trip leaders are the go-to person at the field trip event, and the glue that holds the group together. It is an easy, but vitally important job. Trip leaders make the trips fun for everyone!

What does a Trip Leader do?

  1. Before the trip, we will send you a list of all of the attendees. Stop by the office to pick up a “Village Home” sign to hold up at the event.
  2. Arrive 10 minutes early at the designated meeting place with your handy-dandy sign, and greet Village Home attendees as they arrive. Like a good hostess, introduce participants to each other. Answer participant questions.
  3. Serve as the on-site contact with the venue, if needed.
  4. After the trip, send an email to to let  us know if this is a trip we should do again, or to report any things that didn’t go as planned.
    Benefits of being a trip leader:You get to help make a wonderful experience for your VH friends! If we have a “free pass” for trip chaperones, that benefit will be passed to you as the trip leader.Sign Me Up!It’s easy, simply register for the field trips you want to enjoy with your friends, and email to let us know you are willing to serve as the field trip leader. Thank you in advance for your help!