Family Home Page

Welcome to Village Home! We are so glad your family is part of the Village Home community! We are an accepting, open community collectively inspiring minds. We all take unique, personalized approaches to educating our children, but we are bound together by these principles:

  1. We all support self-directed learning for our children, and want to empower them to own their learning by supporting their autonomy through our choice-based, grade-free and test-free classes.
  2. As parents, we are all directly involved in our children’s education, and enjoy learning with our children.
  3. We all believe that learning is a natural, enjoyable process, and we value life-long learning.
  4. We all recognize the benefits of learning in community.

We invite you to get involved as a family — come to events, visit classrooms, volunteer to lead a member activity, or join a committee. There are so many ways to be involved.  Just stop by the office, email, or call 503-597-9100.

Family Account Login

Class Evaluation Form – Give Us Feedback

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Academic Calendar

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Field Trips And Workshops

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“The last eight years at Village Home have truly been one of the best experiences of my life. I learned so much, met my closest friends, had amazing opportunities , and traveled across the country for team competitions. Village is a very special place – a community that anyone can join, be welcomed, and accepted. Choosing my university was highly influenced by Village. I wanted the same warm, welcoming, friendly learning environment I grew up in. I will miss Village more than I can imagine. I can’t thank you enough for creating such a wonderful place to me to learn, make friends, and grow up.” — Charlotte, 18

Ready to join our innovative learning community where kids are free to choose their classes, and OWN their learning?


