Outdoor School at Opal Creek 

Dates: Annually in May

Location: Opal Creek Wilderness Area

Cost: ~ $175

Click here to register for Outdoor School [BUTTON]



Spend two nights out in nature exploring and learning with friends! This session is especially for homeschoolers ages 9-13 ONLY (must have turned 9 by September of the program year). This program is VERY popular and sells out. Explore the natural world through hands-on learning in the great outdoors in the beautiful Opal Creek Ancient Forest. Our adventure begins with a three-mile interpretive hike along the Opal Creek trail into Jawbone Flats. Upon arrival, students are introduced to our off-the-grid educational community, use the concepts discussed on their hike in a campwide scavenger hunt, and engage in evening programs after dinner. Over the next two days together, we will learn about Ancient Forest Ecology, Stream Ecology, Northwest Geology,Wildlife Ecology, and even a little Cultural History. Most of our time will be spent conducting field studies, and we will also have a little classroom lab time. This is an outdoor school focused on hands-on academic endeavors. Hearty, healthy vegetarian meals are prepared by our renowned kitchen staff with each overnight stay. Even the pickiest kids love Jawbone food! Please note, showers are not available at Jawbone Flats.


Before you Depart — IMPORTANT

In this packet are things for you to do BEFORE you depart:

  1. Fill out all of the forms and bring them with you. You will NOT be able to leave without them.
  2. Complete the pre-knowledge worksheet and bring it with you.
  3. Pack the items on the packing list and bring them.
  4. Bring a SACK LUNCH for the first day.

Participants arrive Monday morning and return Wednesday afternoon.

Who can attend? Village Home Learners, age 9 – 13 (must be 13 by September 1 of the current program year to attend). Because of the remote location of this camp, be sure your learner is developmentally ready to be away for two days. Learners must be able to self-manage to come on this trip.

Waivers: Waivers will be emailed to families to complete online via DocuSign. Registrants must sign the VH waiver and complete the Participant Packet from Opal Creek in order to attend.


Note: We need parent chaperones who have a van to drive for this trip. Parent chaperones receive $100 (may be applied to your child’s fees). If you would like to be considered as a chaperone, please contact us at your earliest convenience at office@villagehome.org.   Chaperones are expected to actively participate throughout the program, and will supervise and lead activities at certain scheduled times.