What are the benefits of volunteering with Village Home?

  • You will meet people in the community and make new friends.
  • It keeps costs for everyone (including you) at Village Home lower.

To keep tuition affordable, and to be a part of the community, Village Home encourages all families to volunteer. We understand that busy parents are juggling a lot and we do our best to make it easy to contribute your time and talent to your community. Volunteer duties vary from just a couple of hours to a weekly commitment. There are also tasks and special projects throughout the year requiring more time for those who would like to help more.

Even though we know our volunteers are giving because they love Village Home, and want to contribute, we award volunteer CLAMS as a way to show our appreciation. Why Clams? To honor our fabulous otter mascot, the Village Home Voyager!

You can collect CLAMS, on an official “Otterteer” card, and turn them in for merchandise, or they can be applied to your family account for tuition reductions. A clam is roughly equal to a $1 value. Clams awarded for Volunteer positions vary depending on the time and effort required by the position. There are an abundance of ways, both small and large, to help your community and earn Clams.

Types of Volunteering Duties

On Campus Weekly Duties: These positions range from keeping our special classrooms stocked with supplies, Door Duty, helping in the office, working a shift at Middle Grounds (Beaverton Campus), to simply doing a load of laundry.

Event Volunteers: These volunteer opportunities typically happen in 3-6 hour chunks of time, usually on evenings and weekends. Community events like Summerfest and campus clean-up days are examples of these duties.

Extra Special Volunteer Opportunities: It takes a village to keep our community moving forward. We have some positions that take a considerable amount of time, at least 10 hours a term, or require a particular level of expertise. These positions must be applied for and include things like:

  • Classroom Assistants
  • Club/Activity Leader
  • Yearbook Coordinator
  • Field Trip Coordinator
  • Fundraising Leader
  • Parent Action Committee Chair
  • BLOOM Show Director
  • Videography and Photography

You can peruse the full list of opportunities by clicking on the buttons below:

We recommend signing up early for the best selection of fun opportunities. When you see one you want, click the “Sign Up” button!

If you do not see an opportunity that works for you, but want to contribute to the community, please email the Volunteer Coordinator for your campus: